"Thanks for your kindness. Is there a link up for black ? a invite to my black crafters page or promote black crafters to other sites ?
Thanks http://ictropal.weebly.com "
"Very nice bag and all, Very creative. I create gift flower vases by reusing everyday things like cardboard, newspaper, plastic bags etc... to reduce and help the environment.
Specific crafting I do (NOT what people do in my company) -- a LIST of what I make, decorate, or artistically alter with my hands, and/or other part of my body.
I make gift flower vases by reusing , recycling every day household things like news paper, plastic bags , cardboard, foam board and 64 oz orange or milk cartons. I call them I Love You vases, That's made for any happy occasion.
About Me:
I am the happy crafter who love to create something beautiful for U. Since 2006 I been hand making one of a kind keepsake gift flower vases for any happy occasion. And I currently have a design copy right on the first gift vase slide on / off heart face