Black Crafters Guild

African Diasporans creating, decorating, and artistically altering by hand

The results of our poll in our former Yahoo group:

QUESTION: Do you often create afrocentric or
Black-oriented/Black-representative items?

- yes, 15 votes, 83.33%
- no, 3 votes, 16.67%

Those who often incorporate afrocentricism in your crafting, why do you? And those of you who do not, why not? I'll post my reasons for my choice later, after I finish completing the integration of our website, but in the meantime I'd be very interested in hearing from you about this.

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I craft what I'm feeling too ... I think because I was starved for Black images throughout my childhood and then during adulthood, I automatically paint Black and craft African (symbols, shells, etc.). My motivation used to be political, but not really anymore. It's all flowing from deep within, undirected or primarily so.
I love them but I can hardly see the detail.
The message on that card is very touching. What a wonderful expression. Talk about hitting the nail on the head.
Yes I do. I am of African descent and Cowrie shells are most used by African people even though they can be found as far away as China. Most of my jewlery incorporate cowrie shells but not all of it. I am experimenting with other forms of jewelry as well. I use cowrie shells because they speak to me. I am drawn to them. I wear them on my person every day. On my website I give a little history about the shell, but I have more to add about them when I get time. I appreciate this forum because it has so much Africaness in it.
I love cowrie shells and that they're also the ultimate femininity symbol. Your jewellery is great. I like looking at and feeling the pieces I bought. The earrings are particularly gorgeous. One of these days, I'll post pics. :D
Yes, I do, and no, I don't. How's that for an answer?!
I am inspired by the patterns, textures, colors and motifs of Africa, and that's reflected in my work. My ancestress series shadow boxes and wall hangings are solely comprised of faces of women of color.

But, I also have a line which is not as obviously Afrocentric; my mirrors and clocks are my own original designs. I'm still influenced by all of the above as I do these designs, but you wouldn't look at them and say they were Afrocentric, hence the yes and no answer to the question.


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